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Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshops for CE credits, articles, and more!

Latest News, Upcoming Live/Webinar Workshops for CE credits, articles, and more!

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IICS is excited to welcome new students from Singapore, United States, Russia and more! Sign up for a Free Class today and join the discussion.

In this Issue

* Upcoming Workshops and Certifications

* Sex on the Scene

*"Eclipse" by Dr. Clark 

*Why Does God Let this Happen?

* Addict America
* My Pocket Therapist-12 Tools for Living in Connection
* Get a free chapter of either book!!!

* Earn CEs with Sexology Classes
* New IICS Merchandise


‍Upcoming Workshops!

Scroll down for Free Classes!!!



Enhancing Intimacy and Passion

May 11, 2024

9am-3pm EST


Intimate relationships can be defined as a relationship where the couple is physically and emotionally involved. You can be married, sexual partners, in a polyamorous relationship, etc. The one thing in common for all these relationships is our need for intimacy. Intimacy can take on many forms. We will be discussing physical and emotional intimacy.  It’s that need to feel connected to another person. However, the likelihood of divorce in the United States is 42-45 %. So are we lacking that connection we yearn for and how can we get it back? Let’s explore and take a journey into the 5 senses (See, Hear, Smell, Taste and Touch) and how they can Enhance Intimacy and Passion in our relationship.

Instructed by

Webinar Only

Dr. Tracy A. Rodriguez-Miller

5CEs for $159



Human Trafficking
June 15, 2024
9am-3pm EST


In this advanced class, Dr. Goldbauer covers the types of online abusers targeting young males—takes a deep dive into the industries and factories ripe for labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Dr. Goldbauer will cover the pregnancy culture and examine the need for harm reduction by using language addressing the trans and gender-divergent birthing population.

Webinar Only

 Instructed by
Dr. Goldbauer
5 CE Credit Hours $159


12 hour Qualified Supervisor Training

June 27-28, 2024
9am-4pm EST both days

This is a comprehensive training for licensed clinicians in Florida and elsewhere who want to supervise interns and/or other therapists. Supervising interns carries specific ethical and legal responsibilities for which this workshop will prepare the participants. This workshop is offered via live webinar with full interaction with presenter and other attendees.

Webinar Only

 Instructed by
Dr. Carol Clark
5 CE Credit Hours $245


4 Hour Supervisor Third Biennium Training

June 28, 2024

9am-1pm EST


This course is required for all Florida supervisors and will: Review changes to Florida laws and rules relating to Interns and Supervisors, Discuss various electronic delivery systems for supervision and methods for ensuring confidentiality, Discuss ethical, legal and regulatory issues of supervision, including documentation of the supervisory sessions, Review research of effective supervision models, Review challenges in supervision, Address how cultural issues can affect the supervisory relationship, Discuss accountability of both the supervisor and the intern in the supervisory relationship, Discuss the business aspects of supervision, Discuss the ethical, legal, and regulatory issues of teletherapy.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Carol Clark
4 CE Credit Hours $39

Understanding ChemSex

July 26, 2024

9:30am - 12:30pm EST

Chemsex, the use of methamphetamine, GHB/GBL and other drugs in combination with sexual behaviors, is a significant global problem, especially among men who have sex with men (MSM). It is one of the most significant factors affecting new HIV infections and poor antiretroviral medication adherence. Chemsex instills confidence and a sense of interpersonal connection, along with heightened sexual desire. 

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Fawcett

3 CE Credit Hours $99

Sexually Transmitted Infections | HIV/AIDS

August 10, 2024

9am - 3pm EST

From someone who lived through the AIDS Crisis.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Luigi Ferrer

5 CE Credit Hours $159

Free Classes! 

(One class of your choice)

June 1, 2024

Victims and Victimology / Domestic Violence
9am - 3pm EST


This course will define the terms related to victims and victimology. Students will learn to recognize types of victims and issues specific to type. Content will include bias toward victims, victim-blaming, and issues between victims and the criminal justice system; it will also cover the process of restorative justice. Students will learn to utilize a variety of interventions appropriate to victim type.

Webinar Only

 Instructed by
Dr. Carol Clark

June 8, 2024

Legal, Ethical and Forensic Issues in Sex Therapy
Part 1

9am-3pm EST

This course will review the Codes of Ethics of several organizations, including ATSA and AASECT. It will cover the basics of Ethical Decision Making and ethical questions related to specific areas, such as conversion therapy. Students will learn how therapists and psychologists come to violate the laws regarding sexual relationships with patients and be able to clearly differentiate between the therapist-patient relationship and the forensic arena and understand the boundaries of each. The course will also focus on forensic assessment and testifying in court.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Carol Clark 

June 22, 2024

Victims and Victimology

Part 2

9am - 3pm EST

This course will define the terms related to victims and victimology. Students will learn to recognize types of victims and issues specific to type. Content will include bias toward victims, victim-blaming, and issues between victims and the criminal justice system; it will also cover the process of restorative justice. Students will learn to utilize a variety of interventions appropriate to victim type.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Carol Clark

June 29, 2024

Research on Sexual Dysfunctions & Disorders Part 1

9am-3pm EST

Students will explore the history of sexuality-focused research and the impact many of these studies continue to have on society. Contributions of Galen, Falloppio, Jean Baptiste Parent-Duchatelet, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Magnus Hershfeld, Henry Havelock Ellis, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey, Masters and Johnson and others will be discussed.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Janis Roszler

July 13, 2024

Research on Sexual Dysfunctions & Disorders
Part 2

9am-3pm EST

Students will examine ethical research challenges and will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative methods, including correlation, survey, grounded theory, ethnographic, narrative and phenomenological. Students will learn research search strategies and will consider ways to incorporate reliable studies into their practices.

Webinar Only

Instructed by

Dr. Janis Roszler

Transgender Training Program


 September 26-29, 2024 (Part 1) &

October 24-27, 2024 (Part 2)


Therapy Certification Training offers a comprehensive Transgender Training Program that fully prepares therapists and other healthcare providers to provide care to transgender and gender diverse people. This Transgender Training program follows the WPATH Standards of Care and offers CE Credit Hours from various boards.


This Transgender Training program is offered under the International Transgender Certification Association, Inc. (ITCA) and has been training professionals internationally for over 10 years. We have earned the respect of endocrinologists, surgeons, and clinicians world wide.


Call us or register today and earn your Transgender Training certification as a Transgender Care Therapist or Professional.


Through their own work with this population, Dr. Carol Clark, Dr. Marilyn Volker, Dr. Maylin Batista, and Ms. Jessica Lam recognized the lack of clinicians and specialists available. They collaborated in forming the ITCA Board of Directors and designing a curriculum that will provide clinicians and others with the knowledge and expertise to work in their particular fields.


Therapists and Professionals may take the 56-hour training program over two weekends for a COST OF $2,900.00.  Four hours of follow-up case consultation will be required and is included in the cost of the program.


What some of our students say


"I think this is the best course that I have attended. The passion of the team members, speakers, videos, and panels are very impressive. I really loved Jessica’s story; her honesty, perspective and passion. She opens her heart and make us see beyond. We just hope that we can help our Veterans with the same dedication and enthusiasm."



"Wow! I am learning so much so far. I can't believe how much material there is to cover about gender affirming care. I've never considered all the variables that go along with being transgender or non-binary. Everything was excellent. I really liked having families come in, medical guest speakers, and gender diverse individuals."
-Mary Ann S


"Very informative and applicable to my current practice as an RN in an Emergency Dept, and to my practice as a PMHNP. Supervision is very valuable, and not something we do in nursing. I learned new things in all aspects of this training. Most importantly: categories of identity including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and biological gender. I will be more confident in my practice addressing all of these categories Dr. WIlliams was awesome (identify with him, cause he's an NP."

-Catherine Spaid, CA- February 2024


"INCREDIBLE TRAINING!!! This has been the most well-planned, informative, and effective type of training webinar I have ever attended. The presenters and speakers have expertise and experiences that need to be shared and taught about. The climate of this country is calling a huge need for Transgender Care. I can safely say that people who undergo this training will be better mental and medical professionals tenfold."

-Morgan Evans , New Jersey

Cannabis Can Help Women Reach Orgasm, But It’s ‘More Than Pleasure’


Over half of women have faked an orgasm. Surprised? Probably not. But while some women fake it from time-to-time, for others the lack of ability to reach orgasm is a far more debilitating issue.

by Dr. Carol Clark

I’m sitting here in San Antonio waiting for the solar eclipse. I can’t quite put words to my feelings. I’ve been excited for months, since I first planned traveling here to witness this event that is common around the world yet unique in each area. I had thought that San Antonio would be one sure place where the sky would be clear, but it’s not. It’s been cloudy for the past three days now, so I’m not sure how much of the actual eclipse I’ll be able to see.


Which got me thinking about things that exist that we can’t see. The eclipse will be happening even if it’s behind clouds. The sun will still be there even though it is eclipsed by the moon. It’s all about faith and the “knowing” of the existence of something without the confirmation of our senses.


But do we have extra senses that we can rely on to trust in what we cannot see or hear or smell? Is belief in God or a Higher Power really just “faith” or do we have an extrasensory perception in which we can trust? Maybe it’s about instinct. We are born with instincts designed to keep us alive, but unfortunately, those are often conditioned out of us. Well-meaning adults will tell us our perceptions are misguided, as when a child tells mother that she doesn’t like sitting on uncle’s lap, and mother says, “Oh, but uncle loves you! Don’t hurt his feelings!” The child’s instincts are probably right on and uncle was putting out deviant sexual energy, but now this child will grow up not trusting her own instincts about danger and also putting other people’s feelings before her own.


Instincts may be about foods that the child innately knows are not the best for him but parents force him to eat them. There are myriad ways that parents destroy their children’s good instincts without any awareness of the harm they are doing.


When I worked as a custody evaluator, I had to go into people’s homes to get first-hand knowledge of their parenting abilities. I would often enter a house and think, “This is creepy,” or “There is something wrong here.” I couldn’t say that in my report to the court, though. I had to take time to ask myself, “What am I observing?” I had to quantify my feelings and pay attention to each of my senses. What was I seeing, hearing, smelling, and sensing and what did it mean? I would “know” that something was off, but I had to explain it in a way the judge would not question.


Instincts can also make us cognizant of that which is outside of our consciousness. We are surrounded by electrical signals, energetic vibrations, and spiritual influences that, when we allow ourselves to tune into them, can guide us and enrich our life experiences.


So, is it really faith, or do we have a real ability to be aware of and “know” that someone loves us, that someone is dangerous, that something is “not right,” or something is wonderful, and that a Higher Power is with us? Do we know that the sun is still there and that it will shine again soon?

Be In Light


Why Does God Let This Happen?:

The Meaning of Life

"This book offers an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of God,

science, and human connection. What truly sets this work apart is Dr.
Clark's skillful intertwining of spirituality and scientific inquiry,
revealing the intricate tapestry where these seemingly disparate worlds
meet. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the nexus of
faith and science. It's a journey into the heart of what it means to be
human in a world governed by both divine mysteries and scientific wonders."


-Dr. April Young, LMHC, CST- Owner Young Psychotherapy, PLLC

"DrCarol Clark, one of the bravest humans I know, connects spirituality
with healing work for both clinicians and the people they serve. Her book
"Why does God let this happen: The Meaning of Life" blends her passion for
spirituality with science into an easy to understand conversation of
personal depth and significance."

-Rev. Glen Maiden Phd, DMin, Pastoral Counselor


Addict America : The Lost Connection

Now in Audiobook Format

We're proud to announce that Dr. Clark's seminal work Addict America: The Lost Connection is finally availbe in audiobook format! After a lot of hard work you can finally hear The Lost Connection read by Dr. Clark's friend and professional voice artist Paula Barros. Now it's even easier than ever to learn how addictive behavior affects the human brain and causes the disconnections we experience with our families, friends, and co-workers in a profound, eye-opening manner. Dr. Clark’s groundbreaking book takes current addiction theory down a new path and Paula Barros brings it to life in a whole new way. Check out these reviews and find the audiobook on Amazon below!



"Addict America is a must read for anyone interested in addiction. This book changed the way I think about addiction. Dr. Clark presents a new way of conceptualizing our behaviors and discusses a theory that incorporates our cultural, relational and spiritual selves."


- Brittany Edge, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"This is a go-to-book for students of addiction treatment as well as those interested in the related sociological problems that both support and maintain the problem."


- Dr. Rob Weiss


My Pocket Therapist 

12 Tools for Living in Connection

Therapy is great and can improve your life tremendously. It can also be time-consuming and expensive, and often what you learn in one hour a week is easily forgotten between sessions.


MY POCKET THERAPIST contains simple tools to use daily so you can live a more joyful and balanced life in Connection with your family and friends. You will also experience a greater awareness of your Connection with the universal life force as you shift from being stuck in the past or worrying about the future to feeling grounded in the present.

Clinical Sexology Education

Our classes, whether in person or via webinar, are fully interactive and you will learn from experienced instructors, videos, and guest experts. Group case consultation is held after Saturday classes. Paired supervision/case consultation is scheduled at the consultant’s and students’ convenience.

We know you will enjoy this learning experience as you become an expert in the field of Clinical Sexology!



IICS My Sexology PhD Rocks Mug!!



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9620 NE 2nd Ave | Suite 205 | Miami Shores | FL 3313